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Mauritanian Network for Human Rights in The US is a nonprofit 501(3) organization gathering Mauritanian immigrants living in the US. It is fighting for human rights, civil rights, and better opportunities for Mauritanians, both in the US and in Mauritania. Also known as MHNRUS, the Network works diligently to empower Mauritanian immigrants to integrate socially, advance economically, engage civically and fight for a better Mauritania, free of racial discrimination, slavery, and injustice. MNHRUS assists Mauritanians by connecting them to important resources in the communities they live in and by assisting them in facing and tackling the issues that matter to them.
Advocacy and Change:
MNHRUS organizes and mobilizes Mauritanian communities to speak out on the issues that affect their lives and the lives of their loved ones, both in the US and in Mauritania. We work on the local, state, national, and international levels on issues including, but not limited to, fair immigration justice, immigrant rights, racial discrimination, slavery, land grabbing, and many other matters that affect people's daily life. We also work fastidiously to assist in restoring justice for Black Mauritanians that have been victims of racial discrimination, including, but not limited to, killings in the 90s, deportations, slavery, and human rights abuse at every level.
Mission statement:
To empower Mauritanians living both in the US and in Mauritania to continue to fight for their rights to exist, free from discrimination and slavery, no matter what their race, gender, ethnicity, or religion is.
Vision statement:
MNHRUS envisions a world in which every Mauritanian is free from prejudice and discrimination and is armed with the knowledge and ability to lift himself or herself up and serves in creating vital lives for their families and communities, both here in the US and in Mauritania, now and in the future.